
theyangonforeigner began in August 2013 as a way to log my experiences re-living in Yangon, a city and culture so foreign despite the fact that I am from there. It is now a lifestyle/travel blog where I will continue to log my experiences re-living in Yangon but also of other topics and interest of mines.

Shwinle's my name. I'm the lady Yangon foreigner blogger. I grew up abroad most of my life and lived very little in the country I originate from. As a way to record and share information I've decided to create this blog.

It may not always be about travel, may not always be about Myanmar, but I hope you'll find this blog interesting and helpful for whatever your needs.

Connect with me:
My social media accounts links are to the right column. Any additional information needed, dropping into say hi or to contact me about working with you, please email me at: theyangonforeigner@gmail.com

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